A full service law firm serving public charter schools, private schools, virtual schools, virtual instruction providers, management companies, and education-related vendors throughout the State of Florida
At the Arnold Law Firm, we represent in excess of 300 schools from Pensacola to the Keys, including schools in over 42 counties, including charter, private, virtual schools, and virtual instruction providers. We share your passion for developing and operating high-quality schools of choice in Florida. Our attorneys have advised and represented schools in a multitude of areas, including, but not limited to, contract negotiations, employment disputes, school district disputes, funding disputes, facility financing, public records, Sunshine Law compliance, policy development, legal compliance, and in litigation matters at the trial level, appellate level, and administrative level.
Our team of lawyers are experts in the providing legal services to vendors who provide services in the educational space. We provide competent legal representation to management organizations serving all types of schools across the State of Florida, including both large and small organizations. We also represent other types vendors that provide services to school districts and individual schools, including, but not limited to, consultants, curriculum providers, and instructional program providers. Our team of lawyers understand the issues that education-related vendors can face and how to effectively navigate them.
Although the family law court system can provide relief, the process can be frustrating and lead to unexpected results. That's because the parties with the most at stake are not the ones making the final decision. Simply put, family mediation allows parties in a legal dispute to come together in an informal, yet structured, setting to explore solutions to their family law issues. The Arnold Law Firm offers family mediation services to clients throughout North Florida.