We Help Charter Schools Navigate the Complicated and Often Frustrating Process Required to Secure Bond Financing for Facility Construction or Expansion
For many charter schools, bond financing is perhaps the best option for securing the necessary capital to construct a new school facility or expand an existing one. Tax-exempt revenue bonds can offer huge savings to charter schools in the long-term as they are exempt from most federal and state taxes and often have low interest rates. This means that charter schools with bond financing have more money to invest in the education of their students than charter schools that secure other forms of financing.
However, the process by which a charter school can secure bond financing is complicated and difficult to navigate. Once a charter school has secured bond financing, there are also continuing obligations that the charter school must comply with in order to maintain the tax-exempt status of the bonds. The Arnold Law Firm has the experience and qualifications needed to help your school through this difficult process. We have helped many charter schools secure bond financing, which has enabled them to acquire or build beautiful, state-of-the-art facilities well equipped for a new generation of students.
If your school is looking for ways to finance a project, contact our office today and let us tell you about the benefits of financing through tax-exempt bonds.